Jessie August Resigns as Interim CAO Posted: 2018-09-17 Jessie August was honoured last week by the shíshálh Nation, after resigning, following many years of service. Most recently she served as Administrative Director and for the past two years as Interim CAO. Jessie also worked for the Nation in various capacities for more than a decade....
Day Scholar Class Action Suit – Update on September 27th at shíshálh Nation Hall, 5 p.m. Posted: 2018-09-17 By Selina August I have been attending our executive meetings for the Day Scholar Class Action Suit along with Councillor Alvina Paul and our legal team, continuing the fight for justice for our survivors. As an executive team we have monthly meetings and have also had Case...
SIGD Notice of New Recycling Rules Posted: 2018-09-10 Waste Management has taken over the processing of recycling picked up on shíshálh Nation Lands 1, 2, and 19.  Consequently there are some new rules: 1. PLASTIC BAGS AND GLASS WILL NO LONGER BE PICKED UP. 2. PLEASE SEPARATE RECYCLING INTO THREE GROUPS – PAPER & CARDBOARD,...
Sakinaw Lake Sockeye – Stock Assessment Smolt Emigration Bulletin #2 Posted: 2018-08-24 The Sakinaw sockeye Conservation Unit was identified as Endangered by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) in 2002 and again most recently in 2006. This designation has resulted in a recovery strategy lead by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO); which includes a...