Chief & Council

Chief and Council operate under a portfolio system in order to provide effective services to membership. Portfolio holders report their work to the Chief and Council on a regular basis. To reduce the risk of political interference in the Department management, portfolio holders do not get involved in the day to day activities of the department. Portfolios include all areas of the government including: Rights and Title, Culture and Recreation, Health, Education, Lands, Housing, Forestry, Economic Development and Administration. Each department has a portfolio lead and alternate assigned.

Contact the shíshálh Nation
Chief and Council

Chief (lhe hiwus) Lenora Joe

hiwus Warren Paull

Chief Henry Warren Paull is the son of Henry and Ruby Paull. Ruby Paul was born Ruby Clair Simptson at Port Simpson BC, a member of the Lax Kw’alaams, Gibuu (wolf) clan. His shíshálh heritage is the stalashen (killer whale) and huham (frog) clans from twankw and Narrows Inlet. Warren is a retired supervisor from Lehigh Material, one of the largest gravel operations in North America; he has 25 years’ experience in the mining industry.

He served as a council member for the shíshálh Nation for 12 years and served two terms as representative on the Sunshine Coast Regional District board of Directors. He served on the shíshálh Housing Authority and as chair of the Trustees Committee. He was a board member of the Tsain-ko Board of Directors (economic development arm of the shíshálh Nation). In 2017 he was elected to serve as Chief, following his father Henry and paternal Grandfather Daniel and a long line of hereditary chiefs in his family.

(604) 885-2273 Ext. 303

Councillor Raquel Joe

(604) 885-2273 Ext. 297

Councillor Rochelle Jones

(604) 885-2273 Ext. 304

Councillor Philip Paul

(604) 885-2273 Ext. 307

Councillor Keith Julius


(604) 885-2273 Ext. 297

Councillor Selina August

Selina is the daughter of Elaine August and the late Billy August; her grandparents were Johnny Joe and Madeline Dixon. Her family is from xenichen and tsunay and her paternal Grandfather is from Tsimshian. She has two children, Taneale and Troy who are half shíshálh and half Squamish.

She has a strong interest in culture and was initiated in the Capilano Longhouse for winter spirit dancing; although seasonal, the drumming and singing is medicine for her. She also enjoys kayaking. Prior to be elected as councillor in 2017, she served on the Housing Trust for five years and worked for the Nation for more than 10 years as the Administration Director, Council Executive Secretary and in the Lands Department.