Resetting the Nation’s By-Election

After careful consideration by staff and leadership, the shishalh Nation has decided to cancel the upcoming by-election and reschedule it for a later date.

It is the leadership’s mandate to ensure all proper protocols are followed to have a fair and equitable election. An administrative error and miscommunication related to the eligibility of by-election candidates was brought to the Nation’s attention.  The CAO and Chief Electoral Officer have reviewed the issue thoroughly. It was concluded the communication error was serious enough to question the administrative fairness of the electoral process.

In the Nation’s best interest, it was determined to recognize the error to ensure transparency and accountability to both Leadership and the Nation.

In the coming weeks, there will be a notice about the new election dates, including information about the nomination process.

Chief and Council will not be providing media interviews at this time. All media questions can be sent to the Communications Manager.

Julia Cook
shishalh Nation Communications Manager