Nimbus Learning
Take advantage of a diverse team of subject matter expert tutors dedicated to supporting your academic success with the Nimbus Learning App. This includes one-on-one online tutoring to help develop your writing skills and strengthen your knowledge across various subjects. Tutoring for selected courses will be available online through Nimbus Learning and is open to all ETAPS clients currently enrolled in their studies!
Students can find tutoring help in:
- Provincial Level English
- Provincial Level Math
- Advanced Level Math
- Provincial Level Chemistry
- Provincial Level Physics
- Provincial Level Biology
- Provincial Level Computers
How to book an appointment or view drop-in tutoring times?
- Download the Nimbus Learning application on your smartphone (iOS – Apple or Android).
- Once the app has been downloaded and opened, please enter your login email and password if you are a returning student.
- If it is your first time accessing the Nimbus platform, please click “Register” and then find “shíshálh Nation” to register an account.
- Search for a tutor in a subject that you would like help in and book a 1-on-1 appointment with them.
Frequently asked questions:
- How long are appointments?
- Students may book tutoring appointments that are 30 minutes or an hour in length.
- Who to contact?
- For questions about the Nimbus platform, please contact:
- For questions about the tutoring program, please contact:
Download the app by clicking the logo above.